The Best Movies Starring Ron Eldard

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The Best Movies Starring Ron Eldard
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3368 House of Sand and Fog 2003 Vadim Perelman R -
3736 Mystery, Alaska 1999 Jay Roach R -
4677 The Last Supper 1995 Stacy Title R -
6999 Drop Dead Fred 1991 Ate de Jong PG13 -
10147 Ghost Ship 2002 Steve Beck R -
10246 When Trumpets Fade 1998 John Irvin R -
17611 Bastard Out of Carolina 1996 Anjelica Huston R -
19357 Diggers 2006 Katherine Dieckmann R -
19678 True Love 1989 Nancy Savoca R -
54294 The Runner 1999 Ron Moler R -
54917 Sex & the Other Man 1995 Karl Slovin R -
57188 Just a Kiss 2002 Fisher Stevens R -
68332 Roadie 2011 Michael Cuesta R -
72751 The Tenth Circle 2008 Peter Markle NR -
84625 Higher Power 2018 Matthew Charles Santoro R -

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