The Top 10 Movies Starring Roger E. Mosley

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Roger E. Mosley
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6757 Unlawful Entry 1992 Jonathan Kaplan R -
6863 The Mack 1973 Michael Campus R -
9507 McQ 1974 John Sturges PG -
13255 Heart Condition 1990 James D. Parriott R -
14667 Darktown Strutters 1975 William Witney PG -
15878 The Jericho Mile 1979 Michael Mann NR -
29226 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 1979 Fielder Cook NR -
30937 A Thin Line Between Love and Hate 1996 Martin Lawrence R -
33291 Leadbelly 1976 Gordon Parks PG -
43697 The River Niger 1976 Krishna Shah R -

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