The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Robert Prosky

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The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Robert Prosky
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
441 Thief 1981 Michael Mann R -
2016 Christine 1983 John Carpenter R -
9286 Outrageous Fortune 1987 Arthur Hiller R -
14290 The Lords of Discipline 1983 Franc Roddam R -
15705 Hanky Panky 1982 Sidney Poitier PG -
26375 Monsignor 1982 Frank Perry R -
36613 World War III 1982 David Greene, Boris Sagal NR -
38345 Big Shots 1987 Robert Mandel PG13 -
43679 The Murder of Mary Phagan 1988 William Hale NR -

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