The Best Movies Starring Robert Lansing

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The Best Movies Starring Robert Lansing
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
9313 An Eye for an Eye 1966 Michael D. Moore NR -
10187 Empire of the Ants 1977 Bert I. Gordon PG -
16427 4D Man 1959 Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. NR -
23735 The Grissom Gang 1971 Robert Aldrich R -
29748 The Nest 1988 Terence H. Winkless R -
30310 Namu, My Best Friend 1966 Laslo Benedek NR -
32652 Scalpel 1977 John Grissmer R -
34574 The Pusher 1960 Gene Milford NR -
40291 Island Claws 1980 Hernan Cardenas PG -
45523 Bittersweet Love 1976 David Miller PG -

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