The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Ricky Hui

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The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Ricky Hui
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7694 Mr. Vampire 1985 Ricky Lau PG13 -
37203 To Hell with the Devil 1982 John Woo NR -
41161 Security Unlimited 1981 Michael Hui NR -
46301 Chicken and Duck Talk 1988 Clifton Ko NR -
46334 From Riches to Rags 1980 John Woo NR -
47024 The Trail 1983 Ronny Yu NR -
49326 Mr. Coconut 1989 Clifton Ko NR -
Unranked Plain Jane to the Rescue 1982 John Woo NR -

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