The Best Movies Starring Richard Bradford

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The Best Movies Starring Richard Bradford
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6062 The Legend of Billie Jean 1985 Matthew Robbins PG13 -
6719 The Trip to Bountiful 1985 Peter Masterson PG -
7386 The Milagro Beanfield War 1988 Robert Redford R -
8749 Little Nikita 1988 Richard Benjamin PG -
9059 The Mean Season 1985 Phillip Borsos R -
9778 Dr. Giggles 1992 Manny Coto R -
43081 Running Hot 1984 Mark Griffiths R -
44630 Resting Place 1986 John Korty NR -
44937 Just the Ticket 1999 Richard Wenk R -
48788 Night Game 1989 Peter Masterson R -
50675 Steal Big, Steal Little 1995 Andrew Davis PG13 -
54430 Cold Heaven 1991 Nicolas Roeg R -
54588 Servants of Twilight 1991 Jeffrey Obrow NR -

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