The Top 10 Movies Starring Richard Benjamin

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Richard Benjamin
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1479 Westworld 1973 Michael Crichton PG -
1633 Catch-22 1970 Mike Nichols R -
2069 Deconstructing Harry 1997 Woody Allen R -
2317 The Last of Sheila 1973 Herbert Ross PG -
3976 The Sunshine Boys 1975 Herbert Ross PG -
12693 Diary of a Mad Housewife 1970 Frank Perry R -
13657 Saturday the 14th 1981 Howard R. Cohen PG -
14718 How to Beat the High Cost of Living 1980 Robert Scheerer PG -
18843 House Calls 1978 Howard Zieff PG -
19689 Goodbye, Columbus 1969 Larry Peerce R -

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