The Best Movies Starring Pola Negri

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The Best Movies Starring Pola Negri
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10045 The Wildcat 1921 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
11759 Madame DuBarry 1919 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
14362 Sumurun 1920 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
18607 The Yellow Ticket 1918 Eugen Illés, Victor Janson NR -
19326 Hotel Imperial 1927 Mauritz Stiller NR -
22224 A Woman of the World 1925 Malcolm St. Clair NR -
23376 The Eyes of the Mummy 1918 Ernst Lubitsch NR -
23507 Hi Diddle Diddle 1943 Andrew L. Stone NR -
24352 Carmen 1918 Ernst Lubitsch NR -

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