The Best Movies Starring Philippe Garrel

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The Best Movies Starring Philippe Garrel
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
21463 The Inner Scar 1972 Philippe Garrel NR -
36676 The Virgin's Bed 1969 Philippe Garrel NR -
38054 Anémone 1968 Philippe Garrel NR -
40494 Le berceau de cristal 1976 Philippe Garrel NR -
42433 Emergency Kisses 1989 Philippe Garrel NR -
44669 Le Bleu des origines 1979 Philippe Garrel NR -
44719 She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps 1985 Philippe Garrel NR -
48779 Rue Fontaine 1984 Philippe Garrel NR -

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