The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Peter Lee Lawrence

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Peter Lee Lawrence
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
25813 Sabata the Killer 1970 Tulio Demicheli NR -
29485 Hands Up Dead Man! You're Under Arrest 1971 León Klimovsky NR -
32255 Love and Death in the Garden of the Gods 1972 Sauro Scavolini NR -
36734 The Long Arm of the Godfather 1972 Nardo Bonomi NR -
39452 Revenge of the Resurrected 1972 Rafael Romero Marchent NR -
43332 Slaughter on the Khyber Pass 1970 José Luis Merino NR -
43514 My Wife, a Body to Love 1973 Mario Imperoli NR -

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