The Best Movies Starring Perla Cristal

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The Best Movies Starring Perla Cristal
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13007 The Awful Dr. Orlof 1962 Jesús Franco PG -
18991 Dr. Orloff's Monster 1964 Jesús Franco NR -
25954 The Corruption of Chris Miller 1973 Juan Antonio Bardem R -
27602 The Fury of the Wolfman 1972 José María Zabalza PG -
30614 Espionage in Tangier 1965 Gregg C. Tallas NR -
32036 White Comanche 1968 José Briz Méndez NR -
38283 Emma, Dark Doors 1974 José Ramón Larraz NR -
38433 Hand of the Assassin 1967 Pedro Lazaga NR -
41818 The Christmas Kid 1967 Sidney W. Pink NR -

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