The Best Movies Starring Norman Wooland

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The Best Movies Starring Norman Wooland
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1549 Hamlet 1948 Laurence Olivier NR -
11386 Romeo and Juliet 1954 Renato Castellani NR -
16259 Madeleine 1950 David Lean NR -
24114 Escape 1948 Joseph L. Mankiewicz NR -
24507 All Over the Town 1949 Derek N. Twist NR -
35672 The Fighting Prince of Donegal 1966 Michael O'Herlihy NR -
35743 The Rough and the Smooth 1960 Robert Siodmak NR -
39384 The Bandit of Zhobe 1959 John Gilling NR -
50965 The Projected Man 1966 Ian Curteis NR -

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