The Best Movies Starring Nathalie Boutefeu

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The Best Movies Starring Nathalie Boutefeu
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4614 Irma Vep 1996 Olivier Assayas NR -
9852 Kings and Queen 2004 Arnaud Desplechin NR -
52241 His Brother 2003 Patrice Chéreau NR -
60693 A Perfect Couple 2005 Nobuhiro Suwa NR -
62069 Pau and His Brother 2001 Marc Recha NR -
63345 Le chignon d'Olga 2002 Jérôme Bonnell NR -
65690 Les yeux clairs 2005 Jérôme Bonnell NR -
70555 The Rebel, Louise Michel 2009 Sólveig Anspach NR -
76483 Yellowbird 2014 Christian De Vita PG -
83109 Marona's Fantastic Tale 2019 Anca Damian NR -

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