The Best Movies Starring Mitsuko Yoshikawa

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The Best Movies Starring Mitsuko Yoshikawa
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1862 I Was Born, But... 1932 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
4048 The Only Son 1936 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
8428 The Record of a Tenement Gentleman 1947 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
12516 Apart from You 1933 Mikio Naruse NR -
12981 The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family 1941 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
16679 A Mother Should Be Loved 1934 Yasujirô Ozu NR -
17701 Children in the Wind 1937 Hiroshi Shimizu NR -
21579 The Living Magoroku 1943 Keisuke Kinoshita NR -
22114 Burden of Life 1935 Heinosuke Gosho NR -

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