The Best Movies Starring Michal Zebrowski

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The Best Movies Starring Michal Zebrowski
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
45891 With Fire and Sword 1999 Jerzy Hoffman NR -
52706 Pan Tadeusz 1999 Andrzej Wajda NR -
58389 Army of Valhalla 2003 Jerzy Hoffman NR -
58567 The Hexer 2001 Marek Brodzki NR -
62027 The Welts 2004 Magdalena Piekorz NR -
69186 1612: Chronicles of the Dark Time 2007 Vladimir Khotinenko NR -
78362 The Vulture 2013 Eugeniusz Korin NR -
79435 1939 Battle of Westerplatte 2013 Pawel Chochlew NR -
85356 All or Nothing 2017 Marta Ferencova NR -

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