The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Michael Imperioli

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Michael Imperioli
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4220 Jungle Fever 1991 Spike Lee R -
15988 Office Killer 1997 Cindy Sherman NR -
25992 Girls Town 1996 Jim McKay R -
26989 Household Saints 1993 Nancy Savoca R -
33562 Flirt 1995 Hal Hartley R -
35074 Sweet Nothing 1996 Gary Winick R -
55286 A Matter of Degrees 1990 W. T. Morgan R -
56612 On the Run 1999 Bruno de Almeida NR -
60505 Too Tired to Die 1998 Wonsuk Chin NR -

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