The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Michael Gough

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The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Michael Gough
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7063 The Phantom of the Opera 1962 Terence Fisher NR -
12924 They Came from Beyond Space 1967 Freddie Francis NR -
13434 Konga 1961 John Lemont NR -
15592 Curse of the Crimson Altar 1968 Vernon Sewell NR -
21115 Berserk 1967 Jim O'Connolly NR -
25620 A Walk With Love and Death 1969 John Huston PG -
30279 One Night...a Train 1968 André Delvaux NR -
32865 Black Zoo 1963 Robert Gordon NR -
38745 I Like Money 1961 Peter Sellers NR -
40024 Tamahine 1963 Philip Leacock NR -

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