The Best Movies Starring Max Perlich

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The Best Movies Starring Max Perlich
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5161 Rush 1991 Lili Fini Zanuck R -
7138 Gleaming the Cube 1989 Graeme Clifford PG13 -
7184 House on Haunted Hill 1999 William Malone R -
13075 Georgia 1995 Ulu Grosbard R -
14601 Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco 1996 David R. Ellis G -
23838 Born Yesterday 1993 Luis Mandoki PG -
26007 Sometimes They Come Back... for More 1998 Daniel Zelik Berk R -
54096 The Independent 2000 Stephen Kessler NR -
60182 Men with Guns 1997 Kari Skoglard R -
60537 Reckless + Wild 2000 Bill Fishman R -
61414 The Curse of Inferno 1997 John Warren R -

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