The Top 10 Movies Starring Marian Marsh

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Marian Marsh
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7914 Five Star Final 1931 Mervyn LeRoy NR -
9203 The Black Room 1935 Roy William Neill NR -
9522 Crime and Punishment 1935 Josef von Sternberg NR -
10410 Svengali 1931 Archie Mayo NR -
15591 Beauty and the Boss 1932 Roy Del Ruth NR -
15763 The Mad Genius 1931 Michael Curtiz NR -
19156 The Prodigal Son 1934 Luis Trenker NR -
19279 The Road to Singapore 1931 Alfred E. Green NR -
21253 The Sport Parade 1932 Dudley Murphy NR -
23675 Alias the Doctor 1932 Michael Curtiz NR -

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