The Best Movies Starring Lori Petty

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The Best Movies Starring Lori Petty
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1139 Point Break 1991 Kathryn Bigelow R -
1294 A League of Their Own 1992 Penny Marshall PG -
5854 Tank Girl 1995 Rachel Talalay R -
18638 In the Army Now 1994 Daniel Petrie Jr. PG -
34228 The Fair Haired Child 2006 William Malone NR -
36830 The Glass Shield 1995 Charles Burnett PG13 -
49914 Prey for Rock & Roll 2003 Alex Steyermark R -
52484 Firetrap 2001 Harris Done R -
54683 Blood Money 1999 Michael Ironside NR -
55107 Bates Motel 1987 Richard Rothstein NR -
55814 Route 666 2001 William Wesley R -
59129 Countdown 1996 Keoni Waxman R -

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