The Best Movies of the 1940s Starring Leo Gorcey

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The Best Movies of the 1940s Starring Leo Gorcey
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
29459 Mr. Wise Guy 1942 William Nigh NR -
29869 Boys of the City 1940 Joseph H. Lewis NR -
29943 Smart Alecks 1942 Wallace Fox NR -
30334 Million Dollar Kid 1944 Wallace Fox NR -
30419 Kid Dynamite 1943 Wallace Fox NR -
31234 News Hounds 1947 William Beaudine NR -
31968 Jinx Money 1948 William Beaudine G -
32183 Bowery Buckaroos 1947 William Beaudine G -
32541 Angels' Alley 1948 William Beaudine G -
32986 Let's Get Tough! 1942 Wallace Fox NR -
34814 Midnight Manhunt 1945 William C. Thomas NR -
35462 So This Is New York 1948 Richard Fleischer NR -
36018 Smugglers' Cove 1948 William Beaudine G -
36912 Angels in Disguise 1949 Jean Yarbrough NR -

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