The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Lee Purcell

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Lee Purcell
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3851 Mr. Majestyk 1974 Richard Fleischer PG -
8168 Big Wednesday 1978 John Milius PG -
18371 Summer of Fear 1978 Wes Craven PG13 -
25326 Necromancy 1972 Bert I. Gordon PG -
34757 Stand up and Be Counted 1972 Jackie Cooper PG -
35773 Adam at Six A.M. 1970 Robert Scheerer R -
37983 The Amazing Howard Hughes 1977 William A. Graham NR -
41369 Kid Blue 1973 James Frawley PG -
41876 Almost Summer 1978 Martin Davidson PG -

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