The Best Movies Starring Laura Elena Harring

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The Best Movies Starring Laura Elena Harring
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5812 The Punisher 2004 Jonathan Hensleigh R -
6557 Willard 2003 Glen Morgan PG13 -
8207 Rabbits 2002 David Lynch NR -
18682 Nancy Drew 2007 Andrew Fleming PG -
22070 Love in the Time of Cholera 2007 Mike Newell R -
31682 Exit to Eden 1994 Garry Marshall R -
31855 The Forbidden Dance 1990 Greydon Clark PG13 -
40509 Derailed 2002 Bob Misiorowski R -
50089 Ghost Son 2007 Lamberto Bava NR -

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