The Best Movies Starring Larry Drake

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The Best Movies Starring Larry Drake
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2196 Darkman 1990 Sam Raimi R -
16089 For Keeps 1988 John G. Avildsen PG13 -
17379 Darkman 2: The Return of Durant 1995 Bradford May R -
17516 Desert Heat 1999 John G. Avildsen R -
50928 The Journey of August King 1995 John Duigan PG13 -
51620 Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story 1991 Joyce Chopra NR -
61098 Dark Asylum 2001 Gregory Gieras R -
70220 Attack of the Gryphon 2007 Andrew Prowse PG13 -
75152 The Secrets of Emily Blair 2016 Joseph P. Genier NR -

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