The Worst Movies Starring Kenneth Mcmillan

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The Worst Movies Starring Kenneth Mcmillan
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
32501 Partners 1982 James Burrows R -
42273 Oliver's Story 1978 John Korty PG -
24370 Borderline 1980 Jerrold Freedman PG -
6460 Armed and Dangerous 1986 Mark L. Lester PG13 -
12070 Carny 1980 Robert Kaylor R -
15789 Reckless 1984 James Foley R -
3522 Cat's Eye 1985 Lewis Teague PG13 -
4240 Ragtime 1981 Milos Forman PG -
7937 True Confessions 1981 Ulu Grosbard R -
11894 Whose Life Is It Anyway? 1981 John Badham R -
3405 The Pope of Greenwich Village 1984 Stuart Rosenberg R -

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