The Best Movies Starring Kathy Ireland

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The Best Movies Starring Kathy Ireland
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5563 National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 1993 Gene Quintano PG13 -
13719 Mom and Dad Save the World 1992 Greg Beeman PG -
44845 Journey to the Center of the Earth 1988 Rusty Lemorande, Albert Pyun PG -
51150 Alien from L.A. 1988 Albert Pyun PG -
51383 Once Upon A Christmas 2000 Tibor Takács G -
53477 Twice Upon a Christmas 2001 Tibor Takács G -
57181 Miami Hustle 1996 Lawrence Lanoff R -
57280 Backfire! 1995 A. Dean Bell PG13 -

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