The Best Movies Starring Julie Cox

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The Best Movies Starring Julie Cox
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8368 Children of Dune 2003 Greg Yaitanes NR -
22718 The Oxford Murders 2008 Álex de la Iglesia NR -
42857 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1997 Michael Anderson NR -
46977 Second in Command 2006 Simon Fellows R -
54458 Alegría 1999 Franco Dragone PG -
55567 Princess in Love 1996 David Greene NR -
57566 The War Bride 2001 Lyndon Chubbuck NR -
58454 Woundings 1998 Roberta Hanley NR -
59079 An Angel for May 2002 Harley Cokeliss NR -
61150 The Riddle 2007 Brendan Foley PG13 -
63516 The Headsman 2005 Simon Aeby R -
79422 2036: Origin Unknown 2018 Hasraf Dulull NR -

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