The Best Movies Starring José Torres

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The Best Movies Starring José Torres
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8893 Django, Prepare a Coffin 1968 Ferdinando Baldi NR -
18538 Any Gun Can Play 1967 Enzo G. Castellari NR -
25144 Django Defies Sartana 1970 Pasquale Squitieri NR -
35164 José Torres 1959 Hiroshi Teshigahara NR -
36021 Gold Train 1965 Gianfranco Baldanello NR -
40877 Shoot Joe, and Shoot Again 1971 Emilio Miraglia NR -
41999 Poker with Pistols 1967 Giuseppe Vari NR -
45387 Emmanuelle on Taboo Island 1976 Enzo D'Ambrosio R -
47606 Wild 90 1968 Norman Mailer NR -

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