The Best Movies Starring Joseph Lawrence

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The Best Movies Starring Joseph Lawrence
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
16457 Pulse 1988 Paul Golding PG13 -
39629 My Fake Fiancé 2009 Gil Junger NR -
47833 Do You Wanna Know a Secret? 2001 Thomas Bradford R -
54451 Chains of Gold 1991 Rod Holcomb R -
58196 Jumping Ship 2001 Michael Lange G -
58227 Trois 2: Pandora's Box 2002 Rob Hardy R -
59012 Horse Sense 1999 Greg Beeman G -
59186 Android Apocalypse 2006 Paul Ziller PG13 -
66061 Hit List 2011 Minh Collins PG13 -
78376 The Dog Who Saved Halloween 2011 Peter Sullivan PG -

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