The Best Movies Starring John Rubinstein

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The Best Movies Starring John Rubinstein
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5176 The Car 1977 Elliot Silverstein R -
22316 Hello I Must Be Going 2012 Todd Louiso R -
30075 Zachariah 1971 George Englund PG -
32672 A Howling in the Woods 1971 Daniel Petrie NR -
40104 Killjoy 1981 John Llewellyn Moxey PG -
40620 The Sandpit Generals 1971 Hall Bartlett R -
57049 Mercy 1996 Richard Shepard R -
60223 The Atticus Institute 2015 Chris Sparling NR -
79011 Daddy 2015 Gerald McCullouch NR -

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