The Best Movies Starring John Laurie

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The Best Movies Starring John Laurie
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1549 Hamlet 1948 Laurence Olivier NR -
8656 The Edge of the World 1937 Michael Powell NR -
13135 Kidnapped 1960 Robert Stevenson NR -
17987 The Way Ahead 1945 Carol Reed NR -
19426 Dad's Army 1971 Norman Cohen NR -
24779 Murder Reported 1958 Charles Saunders NR -
25944 Jericho 1937 Thornton Freeland NR -
27143 The Fake 1953 Godfrey Grayson NR -
32174 Island of Desire 1952 Stuart Heisler NR -
34796 Tread Softly 1952 David MacDonald NR -
35201 The Great Game 1953 Maurice Elvey NR -
36901 Old Mother Riley's Ghosts 1941 John Baxter NR -
41149 Siege of the Saxons 1963 Nathan Juran NR -
42012 Return to the Edge of the World 1978 Michael Powell NR -

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