The Best Movies Starring Jarl Kulle

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The Best Movies Starring Jarl Kulle
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
153 Fanny and Alexander 1982 Ingmar Bergman R -
7503 The Devil's Eye 1960 Ingmar Bergman NR -
23233 Wonderful Adventures of Nils 1962 Kenne Fant NR -
35226 Dear John 1964 Lars-Magnus Lindgren NR -
36608 Swedish Wedding Night 1964 Åke Falck NR -
38868 Rasmus and the Vagabond 1981 Olle Hellbom NR -
39543 The Dear Family 1962 Erik Balling NR -
40244 My Sister, My Love 1966 Vilgot Sjöman NR -
41520 Karin Månsdotter 1954 Alf Sjöberg NR -

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