The Best Movies of the 1950s Starring Jane Wyman

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The Best Movies of the 1950s Starring Jane Wyman
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
714 All That Heaven Allows 1955 Douglas Sirk NR -
2548 Stage Fright 1950 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
3180 Magnificent Obsession 1954 Douglas Sirk NR -
13508 The Glass Menagerie 1950 Irving Rapper NR -
17712 Three Guys Named Mike 1951 Charles Walters NR -
22987 Here Comes the Groom 1951 Frank Capra NR -
26724 Let's Do It Again 1953 Alexander Hall NR -
28469 Lucy Gallant 1955 Robert Parrish NR -
29278 Just for You 1952 Elliott Nugent NR -
30770 Miracle in the Rain 1956 Rudolph Maté G -
31961 The Story of Will Rogers 1952 Michael Curtiz NR -
32146 So Big 1953 Robert Wise NR -
34679 Holiday for Lovers 1959 Henry Levin NR -
35328 The Blue Veil 1951 Curtis Bernhardt NR -

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