The Best Movies of the 1920s Starring James Finlayson

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The Best Movies of the 1920s Starring James Finlayson
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6886 Big Business 1929 James W. Horne, Leo McCarey NR -
7798 Liberty 1929 Leo McCarey NR -
11451 Call of the Cuckoo 1927 Clyde Bruckman NR -
13532 The Second Hundred Years 1927 Fred Guiol NR -
14540 Innocent Husbands 1925 Leo McCarey NR -
16298 Down on the Farm 1920 Erle Kenton NR -
22620 Smithy 1924 George Jeske, Hal Roach NR -
23388 Raggedy Rose 1926 Richard Wallace NR -
27178 Roughest Africa 1923 Ralph Cedar NR -

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