The Best Movies Starring James Caan

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The Best Movies Starring James Caan
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
20333 Games 1967 Curtis Harrington NR -
21249 Journey to Shiloh 1968 William Hale NR -
25309 This is My Father 1999 Paul Quinn R -
28030 Gone with the West 1975 Bernard Girard R -
28867 City of Ghosts 2002 Matt Dillon R -
29022 Hide in Plain Sight 1980 James Caan PG -
30133 Henry's Crime 2010 Malcolm Venville R -
35724 Rabbit, Run 1970 Jack Smight R -
36615 Another Man, Another Chance 1977 Claude Lelouch PG -
42554 Submarine X-1 1969 William A. Graham NR -

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