The Top 10 Movies Starring Jacques Gamblin

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Jacques Gamblin
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
28153 The First Day of the Rest of Your Life 2008 Rémi Bezançon NR -
37087 The Names of Love 2010 Michel Leclerc NR -
37128 Home 2009 Yann Arthus-Bertrand G -
45503 The Children of the Marshland 1999 Jean Becker NR -
53408 Un coup de foudre normand 1990 Claude Lelouch NR -
53586 Hell 2005 Danis Tanovic NR -
54061 Dr. Akagi 1998 Shôhei Imamura NR -
54661 The Color of Lies 1999 Claude Chabrol NR -
55908 Pédale Douce 1996 Gabriel Aghion NR -
60011 Bella ciao 2001 Stéphane Giusti NR -

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