The Best Movies Starring Harley Cross

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The Best Movies Starring Harley Cross
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6214 The Believers 1987 John Schlesinger R -
10684 Stanley & Iris 1990 Martin Ritt PG13 -
14162 Dance with the Devil 1997 Álex de la Iglesia R -
17394 Mrs. Soffel 1984 Gillian Armstrong PG13 -
24000 Cohen and Tate 1988 Eric Red R -
47887 To Dance with the White Dog 1993 Glenn Jordan NR -
57060 The Boy Who Cried Bitch 1992 Juan José Campanella NR -
63279 Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th 2000 John Blanchard R -

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