The Best Movies Starring Göran Stangertz

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The Best Movies Starring Göran Stangertz
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
40214 The Flight of the Eagle 1982 Jan Troell NR -
42180 The Last Adventure 1974 Jan Halldoff NR -
43423 Jack 1976 Jan Halldoff NR -
49331 The Twelve Months of the Summer 1988 Richard Hobert NR -
52350 Spring of Joy 1993 Richard Hobert NR -
53268 The Eye 1998 Richard Hobert NR -
53582 Run for Your Life 1997 Richard Hobert NR -
53971 Autumn in Paradise 1995 Richard Hobert NR -
59157 Where the Rainbow Ends 1999 Richard Hobert NR -
60930 The Birthday 2000 Richard Hobert NR -

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