The Best Movies Starring Giampiero Albertini

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The Best Movies Starring Giampiero Albertini
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7065 The Case of the Bloody Iris 1972 Giuliano Carnimeo NR -
8447 Burn! 1969 Gillo Pontecorvo R -
14380 The Return of Sabata 1971 Gianfranco Parolini PG -
21519 Rome Armed to the Teeth 1976 Umberto Lenzi R -
24571 Many Wars Ago 1970 Francesco Rosi NR -
26366 Seven Golden Men 1965 Marco Vicario NR -
26959 Commandos 1968 Armando Crispino PG -
46441 The Last Round 1976 Stelvio Massi NR -

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