The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Georges Géret

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The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Georges Géret
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4122 Diary of a Chambermaid 1964 Luis Buñuel NR -
15072 A Quiet Place in the Country 1968 Elio Petri R -
16605 A Very Curious Girl 1969 Nelly Kaplan R -
32099 The Southern Star 1969 Sidney Hayers PG -
32459 Weekend at Dunkirk 1964 Henri Verneuil NR -
34872 The Poppy Is Also a Flower 1966 Terence Young PG -
36081 The Unvanquished 1964 Alain Cavalier NR -
43389 Dead Run 1967 Christian-Jaque R -

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