The Best Movies Starring Frank Craven

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The Best Movies Starring Frank Craven
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7579 Son of Dracula 1943 Robert Siodmak NR -
8858 The Barbary Coast 1935 Howard Hawks, William Wyler NR -
9325 State Fair 1933 Henry King NR -
14260 Pittsburgh 1942 Lewis Seiler NR -
16375 You're Only Young Once 1937 George B. Seitz NR -
25830 Miracles for Sale 1939 Tod Browning NR -
26050 Vagabond Lady 1935 Sam Taylor NR -
26742 Penrod and Sam 1937 William C. McGann NR -
27475 Dangerous Blondes 1943 Leigh Jason NR -
29496 Destiny 1944 Reginald Le Borg, Julien Duvivier NR -
33218 My Best Gal 1944 Anthony Mann NR -

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