The Best Movies Starring Francois Marthouret

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The Best Movies Starring Francois Marthouret
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
23112 Marquis 1989 Henri Xhonneux NR -
25043 Sitcom 1998 François Ozon NR -
34988 The Lady and the Duke 2001 Eric Rohmer PG13 -
39506 Dossier 51 1978 Michel Deville NR -
45796 Return from Africa 1973 Alain Tanner NR -
47751 Black Venus 2010 Abdellatif Kechiche NR -
65828 How Much We Hated Each Other 2007 Franck Apprederis NR -
71553 By the Grace of God 2018 François Ozon NR -
Unranked Eugénie Grandet 2021 Marc Dugain NR -

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