The Best Movies Starring Fay Compton

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The Best Movies Starring Fay Compton
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
657 The Haunting 1963 Robert Wise G -
14187 Robinson Crusoe 1927 M.A. Wetherell NR -
19632 Waltzes from Vienna 1934 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
20788 Laughter in Paradise 1951 Mario Zampi NR -
23496 The Forbidden Street 1949 Jean Negulesco NR -
25774 The Prime Minister 1941 Thorold Dickinson NR -
27618 Aunt Clara 1954 Anthony Kimmins NR -
37362 Dulcimer Street 1948 Sidney Gilliat NR -
37752 The Virgin and the Gypsy 1970 Christopher Miles R -
39703 Doublecross 1956 Anthony Squire NR -
Unranked The Mill on the Floss 1936 Tim Whelan NR -

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