The Best Movies Starring Fanny Cottençon

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The Best Movies Starring Fanny Cottençon
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
37444 Golden Eighties 1986 Chantal Akerman NR -
44851 Femmes de personne 1984 Christopher Frank NR -
45776 Paradise for All 1982 Alain Jessua NR -
47192 Angel Dust 1987 Edouard Niermans NR -
48354 Spécial police 1985 Michel Vianey NR -
48911 Door on the Left as You Leave the Elevator 1988 Edouard Molinaro NR -
49943 Conversations with My Gardener 2007 Jean Becker NR -
50192 Fanny Straw-Top 1984 Vicente Aranda NR -
51055 À gauche en sortant de l'ascenseur 1988 Édouard Molinaro NR -
61980 Alive 2002 Sandrine Ray NR -
70213 Bright Days Ahead 2013 Marion Vernoux NR -

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