The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Eric Lloyd

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Eric Lloyd
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4550 The Santa Clause 1994 John Pasquin PG -
27166 The Brave Little Toaster To The Rescue 1997 Robert C. Ramirez G -
29107 The Brave Little Toaster Goes To Mars 1998 Robert C. Ramirez G -
42043 Dunston Checks In 1996 Ken Kwapis PG -
51064 Chameleon 1998 Stuart Cooper R -
54332 A Family Torn Apart 1993 Craig R. Baxley NR -
57453 Abandoned and Deceived 1995 Joseph Dougherty NR -
58049 Luminous Motion 1998 Bette Gordon NR -

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