The Best Movies Starring Emma Samms

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The Best Movies Starring Emma Samms
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
21405 The Shrimp on the Barbie 1990 Michael Gottlieb PG13 -
30015 Murder in Three Acts 1986 Gary Nelson NR -
32165 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 1989 Mel Damski NR -
36533 Humanoids from the Deep 1996 Jeff Yonis R -
41841 Arabian Adventure 1979 Kevin Connor G -
51286 Terminal Voyage 1994 Rick Jacobson NR -
53831 Bejewelled 1991 Terry Marcel NR -
56600 The Marksman 2005 Marcus Adams R -
58633 Pretend You Don't See Her 2002 René Bonnière PG13 -
62531 Supernova 2005 John Harrison NR -
66993 The Little Unicorn 2001 Paul Matthews PG -

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