The Best Movies Starring Eiji Go

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The Best Movies Starring Eiji Go
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
10748 The Warped Ones 1960 Koreyoshi Kurahara NR -
11301 Graveyard of Honor 1975 Kinji Fukasaku NR -
13500 The Executioner 1974 Teruo Ishii R -
20225 Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal 1970 Yasuharu Hasebe NR -
20960 Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs 1974 Yukio Noda NR -
34532 Kill! 1969 Keiichi Ozawa NR -
46622 Haunted Samurai 1970 Keiichi Ozawa NR -
48461 The Executioner II: Karate Inferno 1974 Teruo Ishii NR -

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