The Top 10 Movies Starring Eduard Franz

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Eduard Franz
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3676 Hatari! 1962 Howard Hawks NR -
8673 The Scar 1948 Steve Sekely NR -
15047 Dream Wife 1953 Sidney Sheldon NR -
21612 The Magnificent Yankee 1950 John Sturges NR -
21986 Francis of Assisi 1961 Michael Curtiz NR -
25108 The Burning Hills 1956 Stuart Heisler NR -
25747 Beachhead 1954 Stuart Heisler NR -
27000 Beauty and the Beast 1962 Edward L. Cahn NR -
27133 Shadow in the Sky 1952 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
27299 The Jazz Singer 1952 Michael Curtiz NR -

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