The Best Movies Starring Edith Scob

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The Best Movies Starring Edith Scob
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
329 Eyes Without a Face 1960 Georges Franju NR -
1818 Holy Motors 2012 Leos Carax NR -
3637 The Milky Way 1969 Luis Buñuel NR -
5146 Summer Hours 2008 Olivier Assayas NR -
7501 Judex 1963 Georges Franju NR -
13637 Things to Come 2016 Mia Hansen-Løve NR -
14419 Man on the Train 2002 Patrice Leconte R -
36940 Thérèse Desqueyroux 1962 Georges Franju NR -
44916 The Suspended Vocation 1978 Raoul Ruiz NR -
50140 Baptism 1989 René Féret NR -
51480 The Ring Finger 2005 Diane Bertrand NR -
53960 Casa de Lava 1994 Pedro Costa NR -
58135 Comedy of Innocence 2000 Raoul Ruiz NR -
70731 Gemma Bovery 2014 Anne Fontaine NR -

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