The Best Movies Starring Dorothy Short

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The Best Movies Starring Dorothy Short
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13892 Reefer Madness 1936 Louis J. Gasnier PG -
14439 Spooks Run Wild 1941 Phil Rosen NR -
25081 The Lone Rider Fights Back 1941 Sam Newfield NR -
27246 Daughter of the Tong 1939 Raymond K. Johnson NR -
27266 Captain Midnight 1942 James W. Horne NR -
27417 Assassin of Youth 1937 Elmer Clifton NR -
35173 Trail of the Silver Spurs 1941 S. Roy Luby NR -
36878 The Singing Cowgirl 1938 Samuel Diege NR -
Unranked Brothers of the West 1937 Sam Katzman NR -

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